"And the Horn will be blown, and whoever is in the heavens and whoever is on the earth will fall dead except whom Allah wills. Then it will be blown again, and at once they will be standing, looking on." (Surah Az-Zumar 39:68)
"Then, when one blast is sounded on the Trumpet, And the earth is moved, and its mountains, and they are crushed to powder at one stroke" (Surah Al Haqqah 69-13-14)
Ok so how does the blowing of the trumpet fit in with anything scientific ? to start off we need examples scientifically or factual precedences where this verse could be understood from the point of veiw of you people and any one else which may read this.
So im going to put forward sme examples or example where by how the blowing of the trumpet may possibly anihilate all those in the heavens and the earth.
As Anyone who is a muslim you would know the resurrection is an event destined for all mankind.
All Muslims and even all people of the book if they are aware know that all those on earth will perish with the first trumpet and be raised with the second.
The First Trumpet !
So what can be this first blast ? Ultra sonic Blasts or sonic blasts are used to incapcitate, injure or kill a opponent these weapons are currently used by various regimes ie USA being one of them the more higher the frequency of the wave the more the distructive affects. So Scientifically we know that sound waves of certain frequency and intensity can kill organisms, so its not far fetched at all to understand that this first blast will destroy living things and turn the mountains and the earth to dust, its highly possible this blast vertebrate throught the heavens killing all those in the heavens and the earth except for whom Allah swt wills.
The Second blast or Trumpet !
So weve briefly understood how possibly the first blast will destroy so how about the second blast because there will be a second blast theat will have a reanimating effect.
Scientifically the nature of the second blast the radifah trumpet is obscure, the revivifying properties have yet to reach the attention of science.
The Reanimation of creatures and particularly of man at the ressurection is without doubt a divine miracle. However there must be a reason why this duty is entrusted to Israfel and his trumpet,
To give an example it is known that certain tortoises develop their offspring by looking at there eggs, the rays emitted from their eyes cause growth and maturation, The key to our ressurection will be sudden delivery of "the living" to the truth of the spirit projected into the dead body by the sound waves of the second Trumpet called Radifah.
It is clear that Allah swt will impart a special secret of existence to the dead body of cells during some unknown time span between the first trumpet and the second and that the projected soul will completely reanimate the already prepared body at the second trumpet, Since the genetic codes of the cells belonging to the dead body are already recorded on the"Guarded Tablet" (Lohe Mahfooz)
the preparation of the body for ressurection and its liberation from decay can occur almost instantaneously, i shall be posting in the near future regarding the resurrection and genetic codes some time in the near future which may possibly explain more to this reanimating scenario.
TO briefly conclude Its possible to observe what i have said above quite explicitly in Surah Yasin.
"is not he who created the heavens and earth able to create the like thereof? of course he is , for he is the All Creator the All knowing."
"His command when he desires a thing is to say BE and it is so glory be to him in whose hands is the dominion of everything and unto him will you be returned"
So here is an brief explanation of how the blast can be possibley scientifically explained and just an after thought on how certain creatures have reanimating properties the turtoise being one example, i must add that in no way am i saying that the reanimation of creatures will happen in this way only Allah swt knows how it will happen but the tortoise is just an example on how certain creatures have reanimating and maturating effects thank you.
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